We are Creators’ AI - a new AI media. We call ourselves - the most practical AI newsletter for creators & entrepreneurs. Our community is more than 7’000 tech professionals, creators, startup founders from US.
🌱 Our goal is to build the biggest AI community for Creators to educate, share opportunities and build a platform for the future of AI
Job Description:
We are looking for an experienced English-speaking content writer to create engaging content for email newsletters in the field of AI and Tech Products.
- Researching new trends, ideas, tools and interesting topics to write about (AI)
- Writing and creating great posts for newsletter (examples: https://thecreatorsai.com/)
- Experimenting with content (Analyzing and A/B testing)
- Following current trends in the field of technology and artificial intelligence to ensure the accuracy and relevance of content
- Fluent English and excellent writing skills
- Good understanding of AI & Tech
- Minimum 2 years experience in creating content for email newsletters, blogs or long read content forms
- Ability to create unique and engaging content with at least 90% uniqueness and flawless grammar
- Work in team with Chief Editor